My parents came to visit us for 2 weeks. During their visit, we were able to go to Ottawa, Canada's capital city. It was very special for us to be able to walk down the halls and see the complete history of our country. Let's remember to pray for our world leaders.

Que lindo, ne?!? Pois eh, ja nevou varias vezes por aqui. Nao eh frio suficiente para a neve ficar, mas tudo fica tao bonito! Estamos gostando o frio, mas vestimos muito roupa para correr/caminhar de manha!!!
So beautiful, eh?!? Yeah, it has already snowed several times around here. It isn't cold enough for the snow to stick around, but everything looks so beautiful! We are enjoying the cold, although we put on a lot of clothing to run/walk in the mornings!!!
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