Finalmente, o dia chegou. Nosso "nene" perdeu a portinha da frente! a Hannah esta tao orgulhoso!
We want to praise God for taking care of Caleb's health. He was very feverish for a couple of days and we took him into Emergency last night. He was diagnosed with Strep throat and is on antibiotics. We decided to rest here in Niverville an extra day and head out to Saskatoon tomorrow morning. Please pray for all of us as we travel, especially that Caleb will get sufficient rest.
Queremos louvar a Deus pela saude do Caleb. Ele estava com um febre muito alto alguns dias ja e ontem a noite levamos ele ao hospital. Ele estava com uma infeccao na garganta e esta tomando antibioticos. Decidimos ficar de pouso mais um dia aqui em Niverville antes de viajar ate Saskatchewan amanha de manha. Por favor, orem pela nossa familia enquanto que viajarmos, principalmente que Caleb vai descansar suficiente.
Hey, Way to go Hannah!!!!!!!!!!
You are looking good and sooooo
grown up!
Glad to hear you are feeling better Caleb. I know your a tough guy and all but you don't need to go through that again!
And Muki, be prepared, Jado has been practicing his soccer!!
See you all very soon!!!
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