Quem me conhece bem, sabe que cada ano eu tento fazer 4 atividades novas so pra me desafiar. Olha so...eu esquiando!!!! Ninguem quebrou ossos, entao ficamos contentes! Claro, o Muki caiu e o Scott resgatou ele, mas alem disso, tudo foi tranquilo.
O Scott tirou folga na final de semana e nos brincamos muito na neve. Quando as temperaturas ficam em volta de -10 nao eh ruim ficar fora, mas ontem e hoje a temperatura caiu ate -28 e dai eh frio demais para brincar fora. Hoje de tarde Scott tentou escalar no gelo pelo primeira vez. Quem sabe eu consigo uma foto para voces logo. Amamos voces!
Those of you that know me well, know that every year I try 4 new activities to challenge myself. Look at me...I'm skiing!!! Nobody broke any bones, so we were happy! Of course, Muki fell and Scott rescued him, but besides that, everything went well.
Scott took the weekend off and we played a lot in the snow. When the temperature stays around -10 it's not bad at all to be outside, but yesterday and today it was -28 and then it is just too cold to play outside. Today Scott tried ice climbing for the first time. Who knows, maybe I can get a picture of his experience soon for you. We love you all!
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