Check it out...Caleb and Patsy already went skating. Guess who is supporting who??? Our kids are loving winter. Every Thursday we drive into town to skate from 12-2pm.

Scott is enjoying the course, especially because he is being trained in all areas of camping. He helped take down a part of the lodge, and this week they are building the new deck.

Medeba comprou caderinhas novas para criar mais adrenelina nas atividades. O Superhomen gostou demais a mudanca! Ele desceu do zipline voando e gritando.
Medeba bought new harnesses to create more adreneline for their activities. Superman totally loved the change! He came down the zipline flying and screaming.
Deus tem colocado

God has put marvelous people in our lives. Here we are eating supper with the students of LDP. They have their own house, which has a dining room and a kitchen. Here they prepare the meals together, some already knowing how to cook and others just burn everything!!! Every once in a while our family is invited to dine with the team!

Estamos com muito saudades do Brasil e o povo ai! Falta comunhao, amigos, chimarrao e boas conversas! Segunda-feira que vem, Patricia e os filhos estao indo para Manitoba para passar o Natal la com a familia dela. O Scott esta se preparando para fazer uma viagem de canoa em Florida durante o inicio de dezembro. A equipe dele vai levar 10 dias para remar mais ou menos 180 kms nos Florida Everglades. Que locoura!!! Deus esta nos ensinando muito sobre trabalho em equipe, sobre lideranca e mais importante ainda, sobre aquilo que Ele quer fazer em nossas vidas.
We are really missing Brazil and all the people there! We miss the fellowship, the friends, the chimarrao and the good conversations! This next Monday, Patsy and the kids are heading off to Manitoba to spend Christmas there with her family. Scott is preparing himself for a canoe trip in Florida at the beginning of December. He team will take 10 days to paddle around 180 kms in the Florida Everglades. They're crazy!!! God is teaching us so many things about teamwork, about leadership and much more importantly, about that which He wants to do in ours lives.
Oi Bühlers! =)
How are you!? Here the days are getting warmer day by day... I wanted snow!!!hehe...
Great to see your photos, and knowing that God is blessing you, giving new experiences and all this stuff...
God is giving me another view about future now, I just want to understand it... hehe... (Yeah, I'm 4...).
And, greeeeeat thing this about the travel in the river... I don't have words in English to express how I got excited about this! Someday I hope I'll be able to do this too! =) God gave me a "new adventurer soul" this year, with all my experiences... I'm not sure yet, but I feel like He wants me to be a missionary in far places, or something like this... But, I don't know anything at the moment... hehe...
Ok! Enjoy your snow at Christmas! And, sorry about my english (I'm trying to learn more! hehe)... Take care, and be blessed! Love you all... =)
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