Happy New Year!!!
Caleb advised us that his New Year's resolution for 2008 was to never again make a New Year's resolution! We are already well into the new year and so far it has been a fulfilling and rewarding 2008.
After Christmas celebrations ended, we packed up our car and headed for Pelotas, RS to attend a wedding of 2 friends of ours from Acamp-Serra. It was tremendous to see so many old friends again! While we were there, we were invited by the Lutheran church to sit in as guests on their weekly radio program. The topic for the morning was Christian camping and so it was fitting. After Scott gave a short devotional on air, the phone in the studio rang and it was a middle-aged woman calling to talk to Scott regarding something he had said. It was a really neat oportunity for him to share Christ's love with this lady.
On the way home from Pelotas we stopped briefly in Gramado (about a two hour lunch with good friends of ours). We all experienced mixed emotions returning to the city which had been home to us for over 8 years. 

After arriving back here in Schroeder, we celebrated Hannah's 7th birthday. We cannot believe that our baby is already 7!!! She had several friends and of course, her cousins over for the afternoon. Her party had a butterfly theme with crafts, playtime and of course cake and goodies to pass the time. 

We have spent the last week working at a Lutheran denominational adolescent camp in Sao Bento do Sul. We were truly blessed, having been given this oportunity to share God's vision with others, so in turn Quest can grow and continue to bring glory to our great and deserving God!
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