Yeah, it finally happened!!! Team Quest had the privilege of training our first 13 staff members. God looked after all the details for us. We rented a Baptist Church retreat centre and invited our friends Gilmar and Nika Pieper to cook for us and off we went. Our team worked long and hard preparing an amazing program including cooperative activities, training sessions and much time for spiritual growth. Here are some pics for you to enjoy!!!

This is the whole group. Permanent staff, campers and volunteer staff. 35 people in all.

Our kids volunteered in the tuck shop and were very responsible.

The first night, we were privileged to cast the vision that God has given us for Quest. They caught it with enthusiasm!!!

Shannon, Patsy and Becky celebrating " the launching" of Quest!!!

We unveiled our next summer's theme, which is Indiana Jones and the Sword of the Kingdom. The next Indiana Jones movie is being released here in Brazil at the end of December, so for January it will be a very relevant theme. The week will be full of adventures and treasure maps in order to find the powerful sword, which in the end is referring to the Word of God. Our "sword" is powerful and meant to be used!!!

Our precious friends from Rio Grande do Sul who sacrificed and travelled many hours to help launch Quest.
If you want to see more pics and read the latest news, feel free to check out the Quest website
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