Here are the promised pictures of the kids piano lessons. We are so grateful for the fun, energetic and encouraging teacher that God has given us. Mercedes(our teacher) participates together with us at the MEUC church in Jaragua do Sul. She is already fully understanding that Hannah likes cuddles and sweet words of encouragement, Muki needs CHALLENGE and lots of it, and Caleb really doesn't enjoy the "playing part" of piano, but needs to UNDERSTAND how the instrument works!!! During our last lesson, Mercedes invited a couple of other teachers into the room to hear Muki play his rendention of the Star Wars theme song and at the same time show them that Caleb had taken apart the keyboard and found and fixed the problem they were having of one of the keys sticking. I was downright proud! Each is so intelligent and capable in their own areas!!!

On May 26th we headed into Curitiba to send Nathan Dunning and Becky Patterson on their way back to Canada. The very next day we quickly scrubbed down the house and prepared for Orlando and Adelina Epps' arrival. We had a great blessing when they pulled out an entire suitcase of gifts from our friends in our home church in Niverville. Here is a picture of Muki's favourite part of our "Christmas in May". The Epps stayed with us for 4 days and we were able to catch up on our friendship, which was a blessing. We showed them the land we want to buy for Quest and also toured them through Quest's brand new office.

As of the beginning of June, our family is experiencing "empty nest" syndrome, but it has been quiet and peaceful around here. The kids are preparing Science Fair projects, which we are having on June 26th.
Thanks for dropping by, we'd love to hear from you, so please feel free to leave a comment, or write us at spbuhler@yahoo.ca
Have a great day....
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