Kreative Kids...
In October our team and family were invited to run a children's camp in Curitiba. During our time there, Muki learned how to play Ping Pong and wanted a table so badly when he got home that he set up an old, shaky table made out of boards with cracks between them just so he could play. That's how it all got started. Any time the ball hit a crack and flew out in any wild direction, it was officially a "reserve"! Since then, our ping pong table has come a long way! We built some shelving for footwear and had some plywood leftover for a "mini-ping pong" table. It has already served for hours of fun. It's not only our family that uses it, but the neighborhood kids come by even while we're in school and help themselves to our table. We thank God for the simple pleasures we share as a family.
Notice the workmanship involved in taping together our "net" which actually took the four of us to put together!!!
Hannah's ping pong skills are being strengthened every day, but being our "princess", she still prefers to walk around the yard taking pics of herself (typical girl!) Here is one of her most recent poses!
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The Buhlers
I love you guys and miss you sooooooo much!!!
See you very soon!
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