scott and patsy

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Rain, Chickies and Haircuts...

"Rain,rain,go away, come again another day...Hey wait, go away and please don't come back for a LONG time..."

That is how we felt. We had 3 months of straight rain. Actually, that would be lying, so I will say that in the 3 months we did have 3-24 hour periods of no rain. To say that we were soaked, drenched or waterlogged would NOT be an understatement! Just last weekend the sun was a miracle! We removed all of our mattresses, pillows, blankets and cushions and put them all out in the warm sunshine to dry out. After that we went to work wiping out all of the mold built up in our wardrobes. No word of a lie, GREEN wardrobes!!!

This past week we have had sun every day and we feel energized to do everything we possibly can OUTSIDE!

On a recent trip to Pelotas, RS to speak at a regional youth retreat, the kids were each given a little chickie. Let's just say that it was a good thing we took this picture last week because now we only have 2 chickies. We're not sure what happened to the other one.

Our house is situated about 25 meters from a LARGE banana plantation, which of course has it's benefits (FREE Bananas) but also has it's downfalls. With the banana plants come little microscopic bugs whose bite leaves a TERRIBLE itch. During the rainy season they are not very active, but after 1 hour of sunlight they come out in full force. Here is a picture I took of Scott's back after sitting outside getting his hair cut by yours truly. Half an hour outside and look at the number of bites he has from our little friends! Notice the exact line of where the haircutting cape came to on his back. By the way, the property that Quest wants to buy does NOT have banana plantations anywhere nearby, nor does it have these friendly neighbours!!!

We love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment or send an email at any time!


At 1:25 PM, Blogger Carla Anne Coroy said...

Oh, my goodness!! Those bites look NASTY!! I thought mosquitos were bad. Somedays I envy your adventurous life and other days (like when I see bites like that) I'm glad to be happy here in the middle of no-where Canada.

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Dwayne and Shannon said...

Those bites are the only thing i am not looking forward to when we get back to Brazil!!

Maybe we will have to bathe in bug repellant before we get there!hahaha

At 8:10 PM, Blogger Dan and Becky said...

I can honestly say ...i don't miss that feeling. I might miss the laughs we got from the 'outfits' we wore to protect against them ..hahaha.

Good to see what you guys are up to again. I love seeing the pictures. I am not at all surprised that you lost a chick with all those dogs running around!

Hope to hear from you guys soon! I miss you sooo much !


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