scott and patsy

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The photos on the right are of Scott's friend Nate Johnson(top) and Scott (below) Below is a picture of us at the halfway point of the skate on the rideau canal.

We figured it was just about time to update this blog again! Yes, winter continues in Ontario. We are finally feeling healthy. Each one of us was down at some point in the winter with severe colds and coughs. We are so grateful that that is behind us now! Some recent family events include Muki's 9th birthday party. We planned a pond shinney hockey game and did a weinerroast outside, the theme: The Boston Bruins. Can you believe that he is already turning against his father's Leafs?!

Ta na hora de escrever mais noticias aqui no Blog! Sim, o inverno continua aqui no Ontario. Finalmente, estamos bem de saude. Cada um de nos passamos dias/semanas com gripe e tosse. Estamos gratos que tudo passou por enquanto! Alguns eventos que fizemos como familia recentemente sao o aniversario do Muki...ele fez 9 anos!! Ele queria uma festa de hockey no lago com um assado de salsicha la fora no frio...foi uma experiencia muito legal para ele!
Scott continues his course at a feverish rate. Sometimes we question what we are doing here, but at the same time we know God has us here for many specific purposes, some of which he has already revealed to us, and some we'll have to wait to find out. These past 2 weeks have been very busy with Scott gone on a 3 day snow camping trip where they learned how to make quinzees to sleep in as well as other winter outdoor adventure tips. He was home 3 days between trips, during which we were invited to join some friends to skate the Rideau canal in Ottawa. We did that with our 2 boys and we all made it. We skated just over 14 was a once in a lifetime experience! 2 days later the LDP group left for Lake Placid (1980 Winter Olympics) for a 5 day ice climbing trip. They stayed in a cabin without running water or electricity, so it was quite an experience. Scott's favorite climb was a waterfall which he could hear running along the backside of the ice. We hope you enjoy the pictures.

O courso do Scott continua sendo forte. As vezes nos nao intendemos o que estamos fazendo aqui, mas, no mesmo tempo temos a certeza que estamos aqui por varios razoes, alguns que ja percebemos, outros que nos ainda vamos descobrir um dia. Essas ultimas semanas foram demais! O Scott fez duas viagems...uma foi acampando na neve, aprendendo como construir uma casa de neve seguro suficiente para dormir e a outra foi escalando no gelo nos Estados Unidos no lugar a onde acontecerem as Olimpiadas de inverno de 1980. Eles ficaram numa cabana grande sem luz e agua...foi um desafio enorme para o Scott. Esperamos que vao curtir as fotos.
PARABENS para o Pipa e a Jordana no casamento no dia 10 de marco!!! Que saudades que da em momentos como esse...gostariamos muito estar ai com voces!!!