scott and patsy

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Ola amigos...

Eh dificil acreditar, mas ja estamos no finalzinho do curso aqui no Medeba. Semana passada nos curtimos alguns dias de ferias do curso. Foi muito bom ter a minha familia da Alemanha aqui para visitar e tambem a Lisa veio do oeste para passar 5 dias conosco. Como e bom ter amigos e familia que nos apoiam tanto!
Hello friends,
It's hard to believe, but we are already coming to the end of our time here at Medeba. Last week we enjoyed a few days of holidays. It was great to have my family out from Germany (my nephew Niklaas is trying his riflery skills above) and also to have Lisa out from the west for 5 days. It is so great to have friends and family that support us so much!