An unexpected striped guest...
God's goodness is always full of surprises! Besides the beautifully striped guest that appeared during our final game at the camp, we have had many incredible surprises over the past 2 weeks.
God handpicked 18 campers for Quest's 2nd training camp. We have now trained 33 young people as future summer staffers! We had participants from 5 new church contacts, which was very exciting for us. We need to continue building positive relationships with as many churches as possible in this region.
Most of our campers were hearing about "camp ministry" for the first time in their lives. As so many others that we have trained in the past, their eyes were opened to a new and interesting way of sharing Christ with youth.
On the last night, during sharing time, several people mentioned how impacted they were by seeing our families all involved in the ministry together. Our kids ran the tuck shop, helped with cleaning and in skits. Children bring an innocence and a transparency to any group setting. We praised God that our families could bless so many of our campers who come from broken homes and have not had the privilege of seeing a healthy Christ-centered family role model.
Speaking of family, here are some pics of ours during our last camp...
Hannah with cousin Jasper enjoying the sunny afternoon on Quest's "future property", Lord willing.
Muki, Caleb and cousin Jaden played the role of guards, protecting the "Sword of the Kingdom" during our Indiana Jones game at the camp. They were the most patient guards, as the game took almost 3 hours to play!
While guarding the "Sword of the Kingdom", the boys were visited by this beautiful false coral snake.
Scott, Patsy and Lidi entertaining the campers with a skit. Sometimes I wonder who laughs more, the campers or the actors!
Caleb and Patsy sitting and facilitating the final game of the week. These campers struggled to grasp the fact that Jesus calls us to cooperate and work together, even though the world forces us to compete, always putting ourselves ahead of everyone else.
Here they are...our 18 campers and staff that made up our 2nd training camp. Our hearts are full of gratitude to be a part of the work God is continuing here in Jaragua do Sul. All glory, honor and praise to our King!!!