Family Pics from Summer Camp
Welcome to another update of the Buhler's adventures!
On Christmas Day, we travelled about an hour from home to explore a beautiful, rugged trail following the path of a river with 14 waterfalls in it. Hannah was a trooper and we made it up and down in about 4 hours. This picture is proof of survival!
We enjoyed a "once in a lifetime" experience at Christmas. What made this experience so unique??? We were alone as a family of five for the first time ever at Christmas. After kindly declining several invitations for Christmas parties, we were really looking forward to this "family time". BUT, after all was said and done, we decided that we'll stick to the old adage...THE MORE, THE MERRIER. You are all invited to join us for Christmas this year!!!
On January 20th, our family was off to camp. This was Hannah's first camp season as a camper and her absolutely favourite activity was archery! They tell us she outdid her older that's something to write home about!
Muki loved the social environment and was not about to be called "Chicken", so he joined in the fun of campers and staffers alike.
Instead of having one speaker throughout the week, we took turns teaching every day. Patsy taught the first day of the subject of SIN. Take a really close look to see if you can spot the serpent just waiting to tempt Eve on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Scott had the privilege of teaching servant leadership principles to our Camp Sam campers. On the final morning, one of the male campers started crying and shared that he had always heard about "servant leadership" and was interested in learning more about it at Quest, but what had really brought the point home for him was one morning when he was up early and when he entered the bathroom he saw Scott mopping the floors and cleaning the toilets. He thanked Scott not only for his theory, but for leading by example. Praise God!
The food was fantastic at camp! Shannon and Patsy had decided to throw in some North American meals that went over very well!!! See if you can find Caleb sitting with his cabin group.
A first camp season has it's challenges and it's beauties. One thing we really enjoyed was the simplicity of the praise and worship which was lead by our very talented staff. Kids truly love raising their voices in praise and adoration to our God! Our kids are no different and are all in the front row in this picture!
Scott and I, who have very limited stage experience, were called upon to be the parents in one of our favourite skits called "Pai, tou mal", or "Dad, I'm not well".
The area of camp that took up a lot of our time. We are already looking for volunteer cooks for our next camp seasons.....any takers???
Thanks for all your prayers and support. We are OFTEN comforted knowing that we have a HUGE team behind us supporting us in so many ways. May God be pleased through all of our efforts!