A Look at Summer Camp 2010...
Welcome to a quick review of Quest's summer camps. From staff to campers, from rain to shine, from joy to tears, from energy to exhaustion, God was constantly at work in ALL of our lives. Praise Him!
It all started in the rain! Here the guys are unloading Quest's new platforms for under the tents. They had just finished unloading all of the other materials halfway up a steep hill (the truck got stuck!) We started EXHAUSTED! Scott said it was a good replacement for "pumping iron".
We were extremely grateful for the many gifts we received from a church in Curitiba. This oven allowed us to bake 14 big pizzas at one time. We also used our new grill and the VPU Scott was able to purchase while in Canada. Thank you to all who donated graciously for this to happen.
Here's a good look at our new tent set up. Many churches joined together to fund this project of new platforms and good quality tarps. We were DRY! Let me tell you, that was a new experience for Quest campers! If you look closely, you'll notice the 7-seater "van" that our family was able to purchase in December. Those extra two seats have already come in handy!
God brought us an amazing summer staff. Besides our program staff we had 12 young adults from 7 different cities join us to minister to the campers. Here they are working as a team to switch spots on the log...it was a tremendous experience for them.
God blessed us tremendously by sending a Canadian couple, Dan and Becky, from Ontario to help us with summer camps. Thanks guys, for obeying God's calling...VALEU!
Our full-time staff was once again super flexible, jumping into any role that was necessary. Yes, we mean ANY role. We jumped from making pizzas to pushing cars up the hill to skits. Here are Scott and Renan reenacting a camper on his first day at camp!
Here are Caleb and his cousin Jaden enjoying a good laugh during staff training. It is always an amazing time for our family to get to know new friends.
Here is a beautiful shot that speaks loudly about the way we impact children's lives.
Here is Muki's cabin group having lunch together.
Hannah enjoying the love of her "Frida" (that's our name for female cabin leaders at Quest) and one of her friends.
Renan playing the role of the court jester at our medieval feast and bringing HUGE smiles to the faces of the children.
Instead of allowing the rain to get us down, we decided to get down and dirty in the rain (and mud). The kids loved it and it helped us all cool down.
This is the time machine that the team created to be used in the ongoing drama of our main character, Dezinho, as he tried to escape God by jumping into a different era every day. He tried to flee from God's presence before creation, during the time of Elijah with multiple gods, the violent medieval era, the independence of Brazil and on the last day he decided to try the future and ended up visiting his own funeral. Frustrated because he ran straight into God at every turn, he decided that the Bible is truth and that there is NO place that we can run in order to flee from God's presence. On the last day, he accepted God as Lord of his life. It was an amazing teaching experience.
Here is a group of our teen campers ages 12-16.
Scott invented this unique idea of cooking eggs over the open fire using bamboo sticks. The kids in this cooking skill loved the challenge.
Scott and I felt privileged to be able to lead Camp Sam, which is our leadership development camp for 15-17 year olds. We had 9 campers and we invested our hearts and souls into these amazing young people. We saw God do awesome things in their lives including freeing them from past sins and developing in them a thirst for His word. The first week we trained them and the second week they joined us serving the camp in various ways.
We spent an hour with each of the Camp Sam campers in order to speak into their lives in a more personal way. We praise God for this opportunity.
Here is the full team that worked together for God's Kingdom. It is always humbling to see how God brings together so many different people from various places and churches in order to grow His family.
Next week, Team Quest will be traveling some 1,200km to do another 4 day camp and these two young men, Kico and Papel, are joining us to help in any way possible. These two guys were part of our first training camps in 2008 and have been a huge blessing to our team ever since. Praise God for faithful friends!
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Please continue to lift up our campers in your prayers as they return to their everyday lives and challenges.