scott and patsy

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Quem me conhece bem, sabe que cada ano eu tento fazer 4 atividades novas so pra me desafiar. Olha esquiando!!!! Ninguem quebrou ossos, entao ficamos contentes! Claro, o Muki caiu e o Scott resgatou ele, mas alem disso, tudo foi tranquilo.
O Scott tirou folga na final de semana e nos brincamos muito na neve. Quando as temperaturas ficam em volta de -10 nao eh ruim ficar fora, mas ontem e hoje a temperatura caiu ate -28 e dai eh frio demais para brincar fora. Hoje de tarde Scott tentou escalar no gelo pelo primeira vez. Quem sabe eu consigo uma foto para voces logo. Amamos voces!
Those of you that know me well, know that every year I try 4 new activities to challenge myself. Look at me...I'm skiing!!! Nobody broke any bones, so we were happy! Of course, Muki fell and Scott rescued him, but besides that, everything went well.
Scott took the weekend off and we played a lot in the snow. When the temperature stays around -10 it's not bad at all to be outside, but yesterday and today it was -28 and then it is just too cold to play outside. Today Scott tried ice climbing for the first time. Who knows, maybe I can get a picture of his experience soon for you. We love you all!

Quem me conhece bem, sabe que cada ano eu tento fazer 4 atividades novas so pra me desafiar. Olha esquiando!!!! Ninguem quebrou ossos, entao ficamos contentes! Claro, o Muki caiu e o Scott resgatou ele, mas alem disso, tudo foi tranquilo.
O Scott tirou folga na final de semana e nos brincamos muito na neve. Quando as temperaturas ficam em volta de -10 nao eh ruim ficar fora, mas ontem e hoje a temperatura caiu ate -28 e dai eh frio demais para brincar fora. Hoje de tarde Scott tentou escalar no gelo pelo primeira vez. Quem sabe eu consigo uma foto para voces logo. Amamos voces!
Those of you that know me well, know that every year I try 4 new activities to challenge myself. Look at me...I'm skiing!!! Nobody broke any bones, so we were happy! Of course, Muki fell and Scott rescued him, but besides that, everything went well.
Scott took the weekend off and we played a lot in the snow. When the temperature stays around -10 it's not bad at all to be outside, but yesterday and today it was -28 and then it is just too cold to play outside. Today Scott tried ice climbing for the first time. Who knows, maybe I can get a picture of his experience soon for you. We love you all!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Queridos amigos... quanto tempo! Estamos no meio do inverno aqui na terra santa!

Agora estamos de volta no Medeba, depois de muitas festas de Natal com as nossas familias!

Caleb, Muki e a Hanninha estao bem, estudando sobre animais e plantas...o Volnei, tou precisando de te! Com certeza eu tou aprendendo tanto quanto eles. E realmente, e bom parar e observar a criacao do nosso Deus. Ele e incrivel.

O Scott e eu estamos cada vez mais apaixonado pelo ministerio de acampamento. Deus tem afirmado nossa chamada para o ministerio Quest ai no Brasil. Estamos muito empolgados com a volta ao Brasil em Setembro. Sentimos muito saudades de voces, nossos amigos de peito.

Nos preparamos uma pista de gelo no lago em frente da casa e da MUITO trabalho! Os filhos estao amando patinhar e estao melhorando cada vez mais.

Queremos ouvir de voces, como voces estao. Por favor, mandem fotos e noticias.

Dear friends, it's been a while! We are still in the middle of winter. We are back at Medeba after a lot of Christmas celebrations with our families.

Caleb, Muki and Hannah are doing well. They are studying about the plant and animal kingdoms. I'm sure I am learning more than they are. It really is good to stop and observe God's creation. He really is incredible.

Scott and I are becoming more passionate about camping ministry. God has really affirmed our desire to start the camping ministry called Quest in Brazil. We are excited about our return to Brazil in September. We really are missing our friends there.

We made an ice rink on the lake in front of our home. It has been a lot of work! The kids have enjoyed it so much and they are improving all the time.

We would love to hear from you and please send pictures.

Monday, January 01, 2007

I had a great time in the Florida Everglades on our 11 day canoe trip. We not only paddled an average of 12 miles a day in conditions that were both favorable and challenging, we also had saw a lot of wild life. Gators, daulphins, manatees, pelicans, sea turtles, and many other types of birds and bugs were a part of our daily travels. An experience not soon forgotten!! It sure felt good to have a shower after 12 days and better yet, to see Patsy and the kids back in Winnipeg.
Here are some pictures of our days paddling, in our canoes passing the alligators and our platforms that we slept on every night.
I will try to get a more detailed report on my trip on the blog soon.

Eu tive um tempo maravilhoso em Florida numa viajem de canoa por 11 dias. Alem de remar uma media de 12 milhas por dia em condicoes favoraveis e desafiante, nos vimos muitos bichos e animais. Jacares, golfinhos, manatees, pelicanos, tartarugas e muitos tipos de aves e bichos fizeram parte de cada dia. Uma experiencia que nao vou esquecer logo!! Foi muito bom tomar banho depois de 12 dias e melhor ainda foi ver a Patricia e as criancas no Winnipeg.
Aqui tem algumas fotos dos nossos dias nas canoas passando os jacares e as plataformas onde a gente dormiu cada noite.
Vou tentar colocar um relatorio mais detalhado logo.